Key to Parallel Combinations: Enumeration
posted at December 4, 2013 with tags algorithm, concurrency, java

Combinations have many use cases in the daily life of a programmer: for testing a given function, for generating the all possible input sets of a particular problem instance, etc. Writing them down in lexicographic order is something we all do time to time. For instance, 2-combination of a set can simply be written as follows.

We also have a shortcut to get the total number of combinations for a particular instance. That is,

which applies to our above example 4-choose-2 as follows: .

You might also have noticed the pattern we used to generate the combinations in lexicographic order. The algorithm finds the rightmost index element that can be incremented, increments it, and then changes the elements to the right to each be 1 plus the element on their left. This procedure repeats until there are no more rooms left to increment. (You might want to check out Applied Combinatorics by Alan Tucker for further details of the algorithm.)

One advantage of generating combinations in lexicographic order using the above algorithm is that given the ‘th combination, one can easily generate ‘th combination. Which leads us to the fact that one can continue generating combinations given the combination at a particular position.

The Problem

In the case of a single consumer, one can iterate over a set of combinations step by step. However, what if there are multiple consumers? In this case, a single producer can present a central combination queue, where it pushes new combinations on demand, and then the consumers can poll the queue as they desire. That being said, in this setup the producer can become the bottleneck. That is, what if consumers poll the queue at a speed faster than the producer’s push rate? Houston, we have a problem.

Previously we have seen that given the ‘th combination, we can compute the ‘th one. In addition, we also know how to calculate the total number of combinations, that is, . With this in mind, we can split the all possible combinations set into two separate parts:

Going from to is trivial, we can keep a counter for the generated combinations up to . But what about ? How can we compute the ‘th combination without having a prior information about ‘th one. In other words, can we calculate , given just and ?

Enumerating Combinations

Lucky for us, there exists a vast literature for combinatorial number system, where people come up with a way to enumerate combinations. Long story short, combinatorial number system presents a mapping between natural numbers (taken to include 0) and the combinations. In a combinatorial number system of degree , each natural number map to a one and only one r-combination with the following equality.

For instance, let and . Here corresponds to the 2-combination in combinatorial number system of degree 2 with the following equality.

The r-combination of a given number can be computed using the following greedy algorithm: take maximal with , then take maximal with , and so forth.

So far so good. Let’s do the magic. Suppose that we want to enumerate the combinations of 5-choose-2. That is, we want the following mapping.

We know that , hence we have 10 combinations enumerated from 0 to 9. Let’s try to find the 3rd combination in this sequence from scratch.

  1. First, we set to the index of the combination we are interested in:
  2. Second, we set to the dual index of in system: .
  3. Now let’s find the 2-combination of : , that is, the 2-combination corresponding to is .
  4. Next we subtract the found 2-combination from the mask , where 4’s comes from : .

Yay! 3rd combination of system is ! Hrm… Was that a coincidence? Let’s give it another try with 8th combination this time.

  1. First, we set to the index of the combination we are interested in:
  2. Second, we set to the dual index of in system: .
  3. Now let’s find the 2-combination of : , that is, the 2-combination corresponding to is .
  4. Next we subtract the found 2-combination from the mask : .

8th combination turns out to be . Eureka!


We have shown that using -combinations one can compute the ‘th combination among the lexicographically ordered set of combinations of -choose-, where . Using this method we can partition the space of all combinations into multiple subsets and generate each of them individually. For this purpose, I put together a Java library: combination. Here is a sample snippet.

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Combination c52 = new Combination(5, 2);
        long l = c52.size();
        println("size(c52): %d", l);
        println("c52", (CombinationIterator) c52.iterator());
         * size(c52): 10
         * c52:
         * -> [0, 1]
         * -> [0, 2]
         * -> [0, 3]
         * -> [0, 4]
         * -> [1, 2]
         * -> [1, 3]
         * -> [1, 4]
         * -> [2, 3]
         * -> [2, 4]
         * -> [3, 4]

        long m = l / 2;
        CombinationIterator c52_lhs = new CombinationIterator(5, 2, 0, m);
        CombinationIterator c52_rhs = new CombinationIterator(5, 2, m + 1);

        println("c52_lhs", c52_lhs);
         * c52_lhs:
         * -> [0, 1]
         * -> [0, 2]
         * -> [0, 3]
         * -> [0, 4]
         * -> [1, 2]

        println("c52_rhs", c52_rhs);
         * c52_rhs:
         * -> [2, 3]
         * -> [2, 4]
         * -> [3, 4]
         * -> [3, 4]

        println("5C2: %d", Combination.choose(5, 2));
         * 5C2: 10

        int[] c = new int[2];
        Combination.get(5, 2, 3, c);
        println("3rd combination of 5C2: %s", Arrays.toString(c));
         * 3rd combination of 5C2: [0, 4]

        Combination.get(5, 2, 8, c);
        println("8th combination of 5C2: %s", Arrays.toString(c));
         * 8th combination of 5C2: [2, 4]

    private static void println(String fmt, Object... args) {
        System.out.println(String.format(fmt, args));

    private static void println(String caption, CombinationIterator ci) {
        println("%s:", caption);
        while (ci.hasNext())
            println("-> %s", Arrays.toString(;


I started my pursuit with Wikipedia page of combinatorial number system. In the beginning it did not make much sense. Later I found the enlightening 2004 post Generating the mth Lexicographical Element of a Mathematical Combination by James McCaffrey, which cleared out the things and made me start to understand the Wikipedia page.