Time to time I share some technical links on Twitter and let them get lost in the internet junk yard. I thought it might be a better idea to archive them on my blog in a more organized fashion. (I will group such posts under tag link.) This way they will at least be more accessible by myself. This post is my first effort towards this goal. (Sorry for the ugly Twitter embeddings. I find some 3rd party libraries to configure the display, but that stuff usually gets broken in the long run due to changes in the Twitter API.)
Last month I have been bitten seriously by a software bug caused by TIME_WAIT
sockets. Below is the list of links I found useful in the pursuit of trying to solve the problem.
Multi-platform #TCP Keep Alive guide: http://t.co/uEukpMrCEV #bsd #linux #solaris #windows #osx
— Volkan Yazıcı (@yazicivo) December 20, 2013
The ultimate guide to socket/bind/connect: http://t.co/7YjSiIfWnX #bsd #linux #unix #network #programming
— Volkan Yazıcı (@yazicivo) December 20, 2013
Suffering from #TIME_WAIT #sockets while trying to handle thousands of connections? Enabled tcp_tw_recycle? http://t.co/XGdPYNibGE #linux
— Volkan Yazıcı (@yazicivo) December 20, 2013
tcpdrop: Drop TCP flows, unschedule TIME_WAIT sockets https://t.co/c8mP6Bn8f7
— Volkan Yazıcı (@yazicivo) November 22, 2013
RT @EmreSevinc: Coping with the TCP TIME-WAIT state on busy Linux servers http://t.co/juPGPxaRad
— Volkan Yazıcı (@yazicivo) February 26, 2014